Cheryl takes her fabulous fitness classes to Cooper Hall
On the 16th of March local businesswoman Ginny Adams, a.k.a. Mojo Moves’ Cheryl Sprinkler, made the decision to cease all face-to-face sessions of her unique brand of comedy aerobics, as the country prepared for lockdown.
Pre-lockdown Ginny had built a healthy customer base as her alter-ego (You may have seen Lycra-clad Cheryl striding about Frome with her 80's style perm and oversized specs) including a well attended evening class at the Cheese & Grain, weekly sessions with pupils of Trinity and Critchill Schools, private parties, public appearances and charity fundraisers.

“Cheryl had become a bit of a Frome face about town. It was going so well but the threat of Covid-19 changed everything. Those first couple of weeks were a bit of a blur” says Ginny. “I hit social media hard in an attempt to stay engaged in the face of adversity. I was doing loads of live posts, running free online disco's as well as learning new skills in order to transition to an online service.” It took quite a toll on her home life as Cheryl took over the living room as her dance studio.
“We (Ginny lives with her comedy partner Nelly Fowler) have a 5 year old, so at first it felt like a weird enforced Christmas. Treats, films, booze, bickering! But I had to keep working to generate some income, and Mojo Moves was a pertinent antidote to the fear and isolation of lockdown, so some of my dedicated core of supporters followed me online, as did many newcomers, some from as far afield as the United States and New Zealand.”
Now, as the long summer days roll on Ginny has re-emerged, with socially distanced outdoor sessions for up to 30 people. Thanks to Cooper Hall (and weather permitting), sessions will be running on the front lawn at 10.30am on Mondays throughout August.
Other sessions will be run at the Mary Bailey field in Victoria Park, with the support of Frome Town Council, (dates and times tbc) and online sessions will be ongoing.
9 am online
10.30 am at Cooper Hall
7 pm online
9.30 am online
9.30 am online